Committees and councils
IHLA Standing Committees and Councils members are tasked with running and growing the organization.

Elected Standing Committees, established by the IHLA constitution are elected by IHLA members in an open Elections process (link to elections page) and tasked with the maintaining the highest standards for the organization

Appointed Standing Committees, established by the IHLA constitute are appointed by the IHLA Executive Board and tasked with running and growing the organization

There are by 3 Councils within IHLA, that exist to give a voice to interest groups, member organizations, and early career professional members
Click the buttons above to view IHLA's committees and councils.
Elected Standing Committees
Research Standards
The elected Committee on Research Standards Elected Committee consists of 9 IHLA members in good standing voted into office by IHLA members in IHLA elections. Elected Committee members serve for a 3-year term. The Chair of the Research Committee, selected by the committee, is a voting member of the IHLA Executive Board. Functions of this committee include:
To establish policies that will enhance the scholarly activities of the health literacy field and of IHLA members;
To act as liaison with other associations and organizations concerned with health literacy research and scholarship processes;
To confer academic honors on behalf of IHLA for meritorious scholarly achievements,
To review the research quality in IHLA divisions and interest groups and aid the Council of Divisions and Interest Groups in recommendations to the overall programme of IHLA’s Global Health Literacy Summits.
2022-2024 Research Standards committee members
Tuyen Van Duong, Taiwan (Chair)
Elena Carbone, USA (Co-chair)
Danielle Muscat, Australia
Elisabetta Corvo, UK
Juliana Elisa Ascolani, Germany
Jürgen Pelikan, Austria
Josefin Wangdal, Sweden
Manuela Malaguti Boyle, Australia
Practice Standards
The elected Committee on Practice Standards consists of 9 IHLA members in good standing voted into office by IHLA members. Elected Committee members serve for a 3-year term. The Chair of the Practice Committee, selected by the committee, is a voting member of the IHLA Executive Board. Functions of this committee:
To establish policies that will enhance the scholarly activities of the health literacy field and of IHLA members;
To act as liaison with other associations and organizations concerned with health literacy research and scholarship processes;
To confer academic honors on behalf of IHLA for meritorious scholarly achievements,
To review the research quality in IHLA divisions and interest groups and aid the Council of Divisions and Interest Groups in programming recommendations to the overall programme of IHLA’s Global Health Literacy Summits.
2022-2024 Practice Standards committee members
Bill Stone, USA (Chair)
Cristina Vaz de Almeida, Portugal
Mark Matthijs Bakker, Netherlands
Mahesh Bhatt, India
Sophia Pagtakhan Wong, Canada
Tara Chen, Canada
Verna McKenna, Ireland
Saskia De Gani, Switzerland
Nominations & Elections
The elected Committee on Nominations and Elections consists of 9 IHLA members in good standing voted into office by IHLA members. Committee members serve for a 3-year term. The Chair of the Nominations and Elections Committee, selected by the committee, is a voting member of the IHLA Executive Board. Functions of this committee:
To solicit and make nominations for all IHLA elected offices; and
To conduct IHLA elections in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws.
2022-2024 Practice Standards committee members
Rob Logan, USA (Chair)
Fred Voon, Canada
Qamar Iqbal, Pakistan
Sabrina Kurtz-Rossi, USA
Y.S. Sivan, India
Appointed Standing Committees
The appointed Standing Committee on Membership shall administer the membership policies of the association and has the responsibility to review qualifications for membership in IHLA. Is also responsible for the coordination and execution of IHLA’s fundraising activities in consultation with the Finance Committee and Executive Board.
2022-2024 Membership committee members
To be announced...
The appointed Standing Committee on Finance shall supervise the fiscal records of IHLA, including the annual audits (when the committee deems it needed and appropriate) arranged by the Secretary General, shall recommend to the Executive Board any changes deemed desirable and, under the supervision of the Executive Board, shall have overall responsibility for the coordination of fundraising activities.
2022-2024 Finance committee members
To be announced...
Strategic Planning
The appointed Standing Committee on Strategic Planning and Implementation shall recommend to the IHLA Executive Board any priorities, strategies and programs that facilitate the goals for the strategic plans adopted by the membership. The committee will continually evaluate IHLA’s strategic plans’ goals and objectives to ensure they remain responsive to the changing environment and needs of the membership.
2022-2024 Strategic Planning committee members
To be announced...
Policy & Advocacy
The appointed Standing Committee on Policy and Advocacy is responsible for advocacy and policy generation, recommendations and evaluation in consultation and coordination with the Executive Board and membership. Will also monitor and make recommendations regarding previous health literacy policy and advocacy initiatives in consultation and coordination with the Executive Board and membership.
2022-2024 Policy & Advocacy committee members
To be announced...
Professional Development
The appointed Standing Committee on Professional Development is responsible for health literacy professional development generation, monitoring, evaluation, and recommendations in consultation and coordination with the Executive Board and membership. Will also generate, monitor, evaluate, and make recommendations regarding other health literacy educational initiatives for: peers. health care professionals. adult education. higher education. child and adolescent education. and cross-cultural education in consultation and coordination with the Executive Board and the membership.
2022-2024 Professional Development committee members
To be announced...
Communication & Publications
The appointed Standing Committee on Communication and Publications shall administer IHLA’s website, newsletter, and other publications, and shall implement a process for editorship of the IHLA website in consultation with the Executive Board. Will also make recommendations about health literacy outreach to IHLA members, affiliates, potential members and other health literacy professionals (same list as audience for website) to the Executive Board and the membership.
2022-2024 Communication & Publications committee members
To be announced...
Regional Affairs
The appointed Standing Committee on Regional Affairs is responsible for monitoring, evaluation, and recommendations regarding the development of health literacy activities worldwide (with a special focus on developing nations and regions) in consultation and coordination with the Executive Board and membership, and shall make recommendations to the Executive Board and leadership regarding commissions, meetings, or working groups that could foster the development of health literacy research, practice, awareness, and policy in specific nations or regions around the world.
2022-2024 Regional Affairs committee members
To be announced...
Council of Divisions and Interest Groups
The Council of Divisions exists to represent the interest and common concerns of IHLA’s divisions and interest groups at the Executive Board level, and to organize division and interest group programming activities within the organization and for the IHLA Global Health Literacy Summit. Chairs and co-chairs of Divisions and Interest groups in good standing are members of the Council of Divisions and Interest Groups.
Council of Affiliates
The Council of Affiliates exists to give member organizations a voice at the Executive Board level and in the direction and programmes of IHLA and the IHLA Global Health Literacy Summit. The Council of Affiliates consists of one representative from each organization with affiliate status in IHLA.
Council of Early Career Professionals
The Council of Early-Career Health Literacy Professionals exists to open the doors and provide a voice for students and early career health literacy professional, to introduce new practitioners and researchers to the health literacy field, to coordinate activities with Division and Interest Groups, Affiliates, other internal group and at the IHLA Global Health Literacy Summit.