International Health Literacy Association (IHLA) is a non-governmental, not-for-profit, member-based organization, passionate about health literacy. We are dedicated to creating an international voice for health literacy and raising awareness world-wide. Together our passion for health literacy can change the world.

About IHLA
IHLA Executive Board
The IHLA Executive Board is elected by members, committees and councils run and grow the organization, and interest group develop programming.
Get to know IHLA
Representing a multi-dimensional international organization, the organizational structure of IHLA is designed to promote a de-centralized balance of power, foster accountability as well as high-level academic and professional practice standards and reinforce initiative and peer interaction, and enhance the standing of the health literacy field.
Committees and Councils
Elected and Appointed Standing Committees, are tasked with the maintaining the highest standards for the organization, and running and growing the organization. The 3 Councils within IHLA, that exist to give a voice to interest groups, member organizations, and early career professional members.
Divisions and Interest Groups
Divisions and interest groups are independent organizational parts of IHLA on specific terms within the field of health literacy and are the best way to get involved, share your expertise, and learn from others doing similar work. Divisions and interest groups determine the vast majority of IHLA programming.
Health literacy for all people and societies. To achieve this mission, IHLA values:
To unite people around the world working to promote health literacy by:
Fostering research and inquiry in health literacy and facilitating publication and dissemination to professionals and the public
Encouraging high academic and professional standards for health literacy research, practice, education, and public service
Supporting international, interdisciplinary outreach, collaboration, and policy
Partnership and collaboration
Professional development
Evidence-based research and practice
Support us, support health literacy
Support to health literacy experts, professionals, and advocates explore and advance health literacy across the world.
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International Health Literacy Association (IHLA)
5501 Delmar Boulevard, Suite A210
St. Louis, MO 63112, United States