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The Health Literacy Explorers' first Spanish Journal Club meeting!

The Health Literacy Explorers (early career professionals) of IHLA are organizing the first Spanish Journal Club meeting!

This is an expansion of the Explorers Journal club, but the discussion will be in the Spanish. Nonetheless, non-Spanish speakers are welcome, but please remember that the article and discussion will be in Spanish.

Date and time:

This Journal Club meeting will be held on 23 February 2023 at 5 PM GMT+1/11 AM EST/8 AM PST. If you’re not sure what time this will be in your time zone, please use the following link:

Discussion topic:

For this Journal Club meeting, we will discuss the following paper: The article is also provided as a PDF attachment. We’ll be evaluating the article using the CASPe tool. You can find an online PDF of the worksheet for CASPe already attached as well as using this link (CASPe for cohort studies):


We will use Teams for this meeting using the invitation information below. If you have any issues with the link or accessing the meeting, please let Oscar know at


If you know someone interested in joining, please forward them this invitation or send their email to Oscar using the email above.

If you, or someone else, is interested in joining the International Health Literacy Association (IHLA), find out more at:

If you are already an IHLA member and are interested in the Health Literacy Explorers council, you can sign up at:



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